My Favorite Out Of All The Cereal Brands

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*Thanks to General Mills for sponsoring this post. All thoughts & opinions are my own. 

What have you been doing fun this summer with your littles? I have been trying to make summer extra fun for Beck by doing fun small little things. Such as sidewalk chalk, running through the sprinklers etc. I had the idea the other day that he would love picking out his own cereal. Of course he wanted cereal that had ice cream on the box! Do you ever let your kids pick a new cereal at the store? I am thinking that it would be a fun tradition to go to the store before each child’s birthday & let them pick a cereal they want to eat for breakfast on their big day. Beck loved scooping out all the cereal brands and choices.

General Mills just recently came out with NEW Drumstick Cereals which is inspired by the popular ice cream cone. Walmart carries this cereal and I am always happy to find family size because Beck seriously loves to have cereal for breakfast and I always make sure to have enough on hand. Genereal Mills makes the best kinds out of all the cereal brands.

This summer we have been super busy with road trips and events I have been putting on, so it is crucial that we have simple meals on hand. It is always fun to try new cereals as well and new cereal brands, other than the staples that we usually buy. All of us love to snack on cereal especially in the summer when it’s hot & you don’t want to turn on that oven. I have brought little baggies with this cereal in it to the splash pad & it has been a hit with all the kids. I seriously love the mint chocolate flavor & it really isn’t too strong or overwhelming at all!

Drumstick cereals comes in two flavors: Classic Vanilla and Mint Chocolate. Between the two flavors we definitely like the mint the most! It is a very subtle mint taste and we both finished our bowls in seconds. It’s perfect for people who love the taste of those chocolate-filled ice cream cone tips — or for anyone who just loves having something sweet first thing in the morning. You are going to want to check out these cereal brands!

Beck loved trying out this new cereal brand and even gave a huge thumbs up! It is so funny he will be eating things now & do a thumbs up but it is only when he really loves it so I am glad the cereal made the cut. He especially loved that the chocolate pieces turned the milk into chocolate milk. Pick up a box (or two!) at your local Walmart and enjoy!


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