Clean it Real Good!

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*Thanks to Bona for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I feel like we have finally settled into our new home. It has taken a lot of unpacking and organizing to get to this point. Okay we are still working on the garage- we spent all last weekend on it is so close haha! And I feel like the garage is a space that will always need some organizing. Now that we are settled I have been trying hard to make more of a routine. There’s always something that needs cleaning! So I wanted to hop on here and share about my new cleaning essential and my tips for how I try and keep my house tidy.

I love this new Bona® Premium Spray Mop for Stone, Tile & Laminate Floors. It has been my saving grace and I use it everyday! It is so easy to use and my floors look so clean afterwards thanks to this dust mop. I am so excited to share about how it has changed cleaning in our new home.

The Bona® Spray Mop I have is for use on unoiled, unwaxed, polyurethane hardwood, tile and laminate flooring. There is another one that is for real hardwood floors too so you can buy whatever fits your home. We have gray laminate flooring which tends to hide dirt and crumbs really well but when I use the Bona® Spray Mop I can finish our whole living space so quickly because of the size of the mop pad- best dust mop. While our floors do hide dirt easily it is so surprising to me how much this picks up when I use it every day. I wish I would have been using it for years haha but at least I found it now.

We have the New Home Essentials kit and it came with a Bona® Premium Spray Mop for Hardwood Floors, Bona® Stone Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Cartridge and a Bona® Microfiber Pad Pack all for $62. The nice thing about the pads that come with the pack are that they are machine washable! I toss them into the washer all the time and they are holding up so well. Other brands that I have used have only came with one use pads and that can be costly over time. What is also amazing is the Stone Tile & Laminate Floor Cleaner Cartridge that comes with the pack is water based and dries fast, is ready-to-use, residue-free, and safe for people, pets and the planet.

I am genuinely so happy that we found this amazing mop and that I am able to clean our home effortlessly. What I like to do is separate chores daily so nothing really adds up. But there is an exception. I do a little laundry every day so that doesn’t get overwhelming. And I also clean our floors every day with the Bona® Spray Mop and my floors are clean and shiny all the time. So for example- Monday is bathroom day where I clean both of the bathrooms. Tuesday is kind of random jobs like cleaning out the fridge, taking the trash cans out etc. You get the idea but it has been saving me from feeling overwhelmed. A lot of the day I just feel like I am picking up toys over and over. So it is nice to have the schedule so that I know I am getting the other stuff done as well.

Bona® is offering free shipping to all of my readers with the use of promo code essentials2019. Use the promo code to purchase the Essentials Collection on the Bona® website. Share your space tidied up with the New Home Essentials kit and share your story using #bonaessentials!


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