Let’s MOW!

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*Thanks to Honda for partnering with me on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I can’t even think about how many weekends are left over summer. It is not very many. It is so crazy that Beck will start school in a month! I am so excited for him to go to preschool and I know he will love it. He talks about it all the time! But it is also really sad that summer will be over and once he starts going to school he won’t stop for YEARS! Ahh motherhood!

I am so excited to share about something that has been changing our summer! Towards the beginning of the summer we got this beautiful robotic lawn mower. I am excited to introduce to you Miimo from Honda Power Equipment!

Sadly our backyard isn’t finished yet. But we are loving having a front yard with our new home and it has been so easy to maintain with Miimo such an awesome piece of power equipment! This summer we have been so busy and it has been effortless to have Miimo keep our lawn looking healthy. So crazy to have some power equipment such as Miimo that mows our lawn on the daily which in turn helps to keep the grass green and always trimmed. Since Miimo is mowing just a tiny bit everyday the grass clipping go back into your grass and help it. Our grass looks a lot healthier and it is nice that you don’t have to empty the clippings or anything. I love that we can travel and still come home to a nice mowed yard.

Honda was incredibly easy to work with in getting Miimo installed. They had a guy come out to install Miimo onto our lawn. He was very helpful and answered any questions we had. He wanted us to contact us if we had any questions at all. But he did a great job teaching us and we haven’t had any concerns at all.

We want to finish our backyard in the spring and then we will have Miimo programmed to mow the back as well. The technician that came from Honda to set up our power equipment taught Eric how to program Miimo and left enough wire so that when our backyard is finished we can easily set it up.

Occasionally Eric will go around the edges of the lawn with an edger but other than that it is seriously effortless. I love having Miimo around! Mowing lawns every week during the summer takes time from precious time you can be spending with your family. Mowing your yard is also so tedious. It is even a great conversation starter with my neighbors! We have had all the neighbor kids checking it out and talking to it haha. Oh and yes we have a name for him! We were talking about how he is grey like a whale so at first we were calling him Shamu and then we realized wait Shamow is so much better since it mows haha so now we call it Shamow and Beck loves chasing him around haha. The only piece of power equipment you need is this robotic lawnmower!


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