Challenge Yourself Quotes!

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Do you love challenge yourself quotes? I do! Feeling like you are ready to conquer the world is the best feeling. I have always been a fan of Mondays, New Years- give me all the fresh starts! But if you want to make a change- just do it now. Need a little motivation? I have 13 focus on yourself, overcoming quotes that will get your pumped up!

challenge yourself quote
challenge yourself quote
challenge yourself quote
challenging quote
motivational quote
challenge yourself quote
challenge yourself quotes

In the words of motivational lizard- “Be the person I know you can be. Don’t leave anything up to chance. I believe in you pal. We all believe in you. You are a winner kiddo. Don’t you ever forget.” That little motivational lizard knows what he is talking about! Talk about a good challenge yourself quotes.

Favorite Motivational Resources

One of my favorite motivational tips that helps me level up is this planner. Read the reviews and you will be sold! It is awesome because it is undated so you can start anytime, skips weeks etc. Also if you are going out of town- no problem skip a week and you don’t waste your planner. It is the BEST planner ever! I had to share it because it has changed my life and what I can accomplish. I have always been a goal minded person and kept a planner for years. This one is honestly the best I have seen and I can’t recommend it enough. There is even a budgeting version of it too that I want to try!

Looking for a self help book? Here are a few of my favorite-

A Year of Positive Thinking

You Are a Badass

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone

Get Out of Your Head

How do you stay motivated? Read challenge yourself quotes? I challenge you to read a good self help book, take a walk, get outside etc.

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