Simple Ways of How to Become A Better Person

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This world can feel heavy and crazy. I am often looking for simple ways of how to become a better person. There are big things you can do of course but these are simple things that I want to focus on.

How to Become a Better Person

Early to Bed- Early to Rise

Wake up early and have a schedule that you stick to. I love staying up late and would sleep in if I didn’t have kids and had to wake up haha. But I try to go to bed early just like the saying. Early to bed, early to wise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Those are all the things I want haha!

Drink Water

I have this water bottle that I love! I fill it up with water and ice first thing in the morning to get me up and going. I’ll usually fill it about 3 times a day and try to always drink 100 ounces a day. This water bottle is the best and I give it as a gift to everyone- I am obsessed.


I used to read all the time. It is something I have been trying to do again more often and it is making a huge difference. I am loving this book lately. And just read this book as well and it was so motivating!

Put Phone Away

At night when you are laying in bed. Try to put your phone away. It is not good to fall asleep with the light of your phone. Also in the morning when you wake up try not to look at your phone first thing. I try to get up, dressed and get going before I look at my phone and start mindlessly scrolling.

Need more Motivation? Check out this post about 13 motivating quotes!

Organize Something

I try to organize something once a week. Even if it is just a drawer or a closet. It doesn’t need to be something huge like the kitchen. Just something little helps me feel less overwhelmed!

Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are my jam! I love true crime ones for fun. But I love listening to motivational podcasts to give me the extra pick me up. Here are what podcasts are currently trending!

Take a Bath

I love to end the night with a warm bath. Here is my favorite bath bomb. It is so relaxing and comes with a message inside that always motivates me! Here is an article about why hot baths are good for your health!

Go for a Walk

Walking is so relaxing to me. I love starting or ending my day with a walk. Especially in the summer when it is too hot to go in the middle of the day.

how to become a better person

Celebrate Something

I am a big believer on celebrating anything just to make you happy. I love celebrating random National Holidays just because! If you are feeling down just google what holiday it is and celebrate. Such as getting some cake, pretzel etc.

Be the Bigger Person

When thinking about how to become a better person I think it is important to first be the bigger person. Treat others how you want to be treated. Call your friends, open doors for strangers etc.


Smiling is one of the simplest ways of how to become a better person. Smile and compliment those around you as well as strangers. Giving genuine compliments to others will always boost your spirits and make you want to do it more often.

Step Out of Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone will mean different things for different people. For some people that might be smiling to others. Or helping a stranger load groceries into their car etc.

Give Up the Grudges & Forgive

If there are people in your life that you hold grudges toward- give it up. Forgive them and forgive yourself. You will feel so much lighter and more free.

Serve Others

My favorite way to try and be a better person is to serve others. I love to send hand written thank you cards. I try to send one once a week. Whether it is wishing someone a happy birthday or thanking them for being my friend etc. When trying to figure out how to become a better person it is important to forget yourself and serve others.

Think- What a Blessing!

Having a positive attitude will help you realize how great your life is. When something goes wrong- try to think what a blessing about how it could have been worse. So you get a flat tire- what a blessing that you didn’t crash your car.

Be Grateful

In the end if you are looking for how to become a better person then remind yourself to be grateful. I love doing this by journaling. Growing up I would always journal and at the end of every entry I would say something I am grateful for. This sometimes was simple like my pillow or bigger like my family.

Cheers to all being our best selves!


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