Sports Mom Essentials

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1. Cherrington Co T-shirt

Show your sports mom pride with these comfortable shirts. You can find a shirt to wear to any sport your child decides to play. In addition to supporting your child you are also supporting a business woman by purchasing from this shop. Use the code CHATTER10 to get an extra 10%, and to top it all off they include free shipping with every purchase. These t-shirt are essential for your child’s sporting events this summer.

2. Pursetti Tote Bag

This nice tote is perfect for carrying everything you need to your child’s sports game. It has many pockets for the small objects you always find yourself carrying such as water bottles, your phone, or keys. It also has five inside pockets for if you want a more secure place for your phone and keys. The main compartment is roomy and perfect for packing your snacks, mini fan, first aid kit, and sunscreen. This is an essential bag for a sports mom’s outings this summer.  

3. Aveeno Sunscreen

Aveeno sunscreen has a great rating on Amazon of 4.6 stars. It is a great sunscreen for kids that won’t cause irritation when applied. Being sweat and water resistant, this sunscreen is perfect for playing sports on a hot day.

4. Handheld Portable Fans

These mini fans are another great way to cool off when you are outside in the sun all day. With three speeds, this fan is perfect for the hottest days of summer. It is battery operated and amazon offers two for only $20!

5. Mini First Aid Kit

It is always good to be prepared. Some sports games can be rough so it is a good idea to pack some band aids for when your child gets hurt. This First Aid Kit has everything you need for the little bumps and bruises your kids get while playing outside. You’ll win sports mom of the year with this kit!

6. Baloray Insulated Lunch Box

We have all been to a kid’s sports game that took longer than expected. When this happens, snacks become a necessity. This lunch box is perfect for packing the snacks needed to keep the kids from becoming hangry while watching the game. It also has enough room to pack a nice lunch for your child after they have played a long game. This insulated lunch box acts like a nice cooler to keep your food fresh for your kids.

7. Takeya Insulated Water Bottle

Parents and kids alike love refreshing water after being outside all day. This water bottle is insulated and keeps water cold during a summer day. It is perfect for kids playing on the field or for the parents watching the game from the sideline.

8. Pacific Pass Chair

For games where you have to bring your own chair, this Pacific Pass chair is a nice portable solution. It has a bag that it packs into for easy storage and carrying. Not to mention that it has a cup holder and a side pocket that acts as a cooler. This cooler would be perfect for small drinks and snacks for your kids while they watch their siblings play. If you are a sports mom this chair is an essential part of your sports mom kit.

9. Sport-Brella

Being outside in the hot sun all day watching and playing sports, you have to watch out for heat exhaustion in your kids. This umbrella is perfect for providing a spot of shade for your kids and you to cool off from the sun. The umbrella attaches to chairs, strollers, or anything else you have. It also has an adjustable arm so you can move it to block the sun as the sun moves throughout the day.


It is very likely that your kids will get hungry while playing out on the field or while they watch their siblings play. With your nice cooler lunch box there are many snacks you could bring. I like to bring carrots, fruit snacks, gold fish, and some granola bars. My favorite brands of granola bars are the Quaker, Kind bars, and Nature Valley. These granola bars provide a healthy and sustainable snack for your child.


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