The Best Sandbox Toys!

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sandbox fun
sandbox toys
summer baby must haves
sandbox toys
the best sandbox toys

So to say Beck is sandbox obsessed is putting it mildly! Now that it is warm outside and feels like summer- all Beck wants to do is be in the sandbox NON-STOP! I can’t wait to share the best sandbox toys with you because we have a lot!

It has been so fun to just let him play. Boden loves being outside too. He will happily lay on a blanket and look up at the trees and the sky and coo. It is so precious!

We have this fun shade cover for Boden. You can stake it into sand or just lay in on the grass. We have used it a ton and had it with Beck. It is so fun having two boys that love being outside. Oh and if you are wondering about Beck’s helmet- he just kept saying safety first and wanted to wear it. He jumps on and off his bike all day and I am a stickler about wearing his helmet and he loves it. So a lot of the time he just keeps it on- I guess extra safe haha boys are wild- you never know what could happen!

So back to sandbox toys- I wanted to share some of Beck’s favorites. We go to lakes near us all the time with sand beaches. We also love going to the beach. In the summer we keep the sand toys in the car that’s how much we love them. So they are not all pictured but below are some beach toys we LOVE!

The Best Sandbox Toys!

1// This kit is so fun. I think a little girl especially would love it with the baking aspect. But Beck loves playing kitchen so a fun set for everyone especially as sandbox toys go.

2// Hands down the BEST SAND TOY! In the photo the digger Beck is using is 25 years old. It was my brother’s growing up. It is metal and classic and will last forever. Beck loves it so much that we have one at our house too. Endless hours and years of entertainment with this digger!

3// I love this classic 4 piece set. Works good for gardening besides sandbox toys!

4// These buckets are fun and awesome because they help with animals, numbers and counting. I love when something like sand toys can be educational too.

5// If you want to get the best bang for your buck I love this set. Cute pastel colors too.

6// Having a shovel at a beach is a must. It is so fun to be able to dig holes and bury each other- kids love it!

7// Another fun favorite are these John Deere sand toys!

8// Coolest thing- this bucket is collapsible! It was a must for taking sand toys in our suitcase to Hawaii. It took up such little room- the best beach toys.

9// Beck has so many Tonka trucks. One of the places they are best is in the sand. I love buying Beck Tonka trucks because I know they will last and are a classic toy so to me they are worth the money. Some of the ones pictured are my dad’s and 50 years old! Talk about the ultimate sandbox toys.

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