Easiest Plants to Take Care of

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easiest plants to take care of
Leather Plant Hanger
easiest plants to take care of

I am a plant lover! I think my current house plant count is 33. But of course that is changing all the time. And that is not counting plants that I am propagating. I love propagating! If you are unfamiliar with propagating it is awesome. Propagating plants is when you take a clipping and grow it in water or soil to create a new plant. I love growing them in water. I have a propagation station in my bedroom haha. Here is the post that shows it! Also here is a link to the glass jars I got on Amazon to put on my wall. And a link to the gold hooks. But if you are wanting to get into plants then let’s talk first about the easiest plants to take care of.

Easiest Plants to Take Care of

Snake Plant

Snake plants are so modern and sleek. And surprisingly easy to take care of! I love snake plants because they are very air purifying. And I love the variety. There are some with yellow tips, dark green, light green etc. And seriously one of the easiest plants to take care of.

Philodendron and Pothos

These plants I grouped together because they are pretty similar. And both are for sure some of the easiest plants to take care of. Both can vine really long. They are sometimes referred to as a grandma plant because they are one you would see at your grandma’s house and I love that. Philodendron usually have more heart shaped leaves. And pothos usually have larger, waxy leaves that vary in markings that can be yellow, white etc. I would suggest one of these as your first plant to start with! Depending on light they need watered about once a week and our very forgiving. This was my first house plant ever! And they are so fun to see vine and grow almost right before your eyes.

Dumb Canes

I included dumb canes as one of the easiest plants to take care of. They are less common which is why I wanted to include them. Dumb canes like many plants have many varieties but I love that they are kind of tropical looking. I have one that is pretty variegated and it is pretty easy to care for.


Of course I had to include cactus on this list. I love my cactus because they are so low maintenance and I can kind of forget about them. Which is nice haha I am not real into high maintenance. I have about 3 varieties and all of them are real easy.

Spider Plant

easiest plants to take care of
Mounted Planters– also come in other colors- so cool!

I have a spider plant that I love so much! It kinda curls on the leaves when it gets really long. And I love that it makes little mini babies on the end that are so easy to pull off and propagate. I have given a lot of people spider plants and all of them have had a great time keeping them alive.

Rubber Plant

I have a variegated ruby rubber plant and it is so beautiful. So it kinda has pinkish in it and it is really variegated. I think the solid burgundy ones are pretty too but I love mine. It looks totally fake. Especially since rubber plants have really thick leaves that kind of feel waxy.


I loooove my pilea! The pilea is also called the Chinese Money Plant and it is so fun. It has round circles coming off all over. Other people call it the friendship plant because it is so easy to propagate and it makes little plant babies all the time.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is kind of like cactus in being one of the easiest plants to take care of. I only water mine every 2 weeks and it is thriving. It has actually grown a fair amount and it is so fun.


monstera house plant

My monstera is hands down my favorite plant I own. It has grown sooo big. I think I need to put a pole in the middle so it can vine up it. Monsteras give off the best tropical vibes. I also love to share cuttings of mine with others. Talk about the best gift!

home office with fiddle fig plant
Blue Patterned Wallpaper // Navy Futon Couch

Wondering why succulents aren’t on the list? I don’t believe that succulents are easy like everyone says. Also I think that they are kinda over done and I just like the look of other plants anyway. But that is just me!

And if you are looking for plants to stay away as a beginner then I have some thoughts on that too haha. Palms have proved to be really hard for me. Also string of pearls, some prayer plants, zebra plant. I love my fiddle fig! It is about 8 feet tall but I wouldn’t necessarily rank Frank (his name haha) as easy but he probably is my favorite I own!

I also love hanging my plants and have them hanging in the corner of about every room. There are a few hanging baskets I love on Amazon like this jute one– a basket and hanger in one and so affordable. If you have a pot you love then this is my all time favorite plant hanger– it is leather and really cute and amazing quality. Oh and if you need hooks to hang the plants from the ceiling here are some I like.

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The Best Planters on Amazon

And if you are getting into plants or are already a plant lover. Then you are going to need some planters! It is just part of the deal and the obsession haha. Here are some of the best planters I love on Amazon!

best planters on amazon

1// I love that this pot is terracotta but also has a really cute pattern!

2// The shape of this pot is so cute. I love the color and the saucer that it comes with.

3// These planters come as a set of two. I love the sizes and the hobnail- so cute! And a great deal for two.

4// These pots are also a set of 2. I love the natural color. These would look good in any space.

5// Another hobnail goodness but I love the light teal speckled color.

6// I love this set of planters. Terracotta and patterned and also the cutest little feet.

7// This set is fun and I love that it comes with saucers to catch the water.

8// I love that this planter comes with a fun wooden stand. The extra height always adds so much.

9// Black is my favorite and I love it mixed with the terracotta and the patterns.

easiest plants to take care of


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