Don’t Worry- Be Happy!

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“With freedom, books, flowers & the moon, who could not be happy?” Oscar Wilde

Sometimes this phrase is easier said than done. It can seem that during periods of our life there is only gray skies & no rainbows. I was planning on celebrating this day by doing many things that make me happy. I wanted to go to the park & just be outside in the sunshine. Well yesterday I broke my ankle! Today I went to the doctor for an x-ray & sure enough my tendon tore & also the bone is broken. I have had my moments where I have felt sorry for myself & bored & frustrated. I kept thinking why couldn’t it have been my arm? It is my right foot too so I can’t drive. It is so hard to be a mom when you can’t put any weight on your foot! I will have a hard splint for 5 days & then a boot. I am going on a girl’s trip with my mom & sister to New York in 3 weeks so that was definitely not something that I thought would happen. I didn’t even risk going skiing because I didn’t want to get hurt. I also am trying to laugh at the fact that it happened at McDonald’s of allll places! It’s like the video- I’ve McFallen!!! It was so dumb too I was carrying Beck out of the playland & I couldn’t see how big the step was. I was in so much pain I felt like I was going to pass out & throw up so I laid on the floor as kids jumped over me to get in the playland. I am sure it was really funny to watch haha! But through it all of I keep reminding myself that it could have been worse & thankfully this is temporary. I am so grateful for my health & my mobility.

My mom was with me my when it happened so she was able to drive & watch Beck & help get me to the car. I don’t know what I would have done if I had been by myself. Of course I am so glad it wasn’t my back or something more serious that requires surgery. Eric’s dad is a physician & he was the one who said I should come in for an x-ray today & I am so glad I did so that I can start the road to recovery! I was talking to my dad today & he said I know you will find the gravy in this situation. I am trying my best & I am sure I will keep seeing little blessings about this situation. While it made me think today was a bummer it totally wasn’t. I am reminding myself not to focus on myself. Every time I focus on my pain I am trying to turn that into a time when I think about someone else going through something so much worse. I still have my family, jobs & so many other blessings.

I am going to be starting a happiness journal! I want to always write down things that bring me happiness. I have been trying to do this throughout the day using the notes on my phone which I think I am still going to do but then every few days transfer them to my actual notebook. I used to be a really avid journal writer & loved it. I kept a journal from when I was little until I got married & sadly kind of fell out of the habit. I want to incorporate both things into my happiness journal. I am thinking just reasons why I am grateful to be alive! Then on the hard days like today I can always read back old entires.

Do you journal? How do you find happiness? I love the subject of happiness & have read books, watched documentaries & listened to various podcasts about it. I think that something that always is the same is to realize what you have been blessed with. I would love to hear any tips or things you do to find happiness!



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