Keeping Our Wild Boy Safe!

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I am so excited to be sharing something with you guys that has been a game changer the last few months for our family! I shared on Instagram – about how we love to travel with our Jiobit. Beck is a wild boy and I sometimes stress about always keeping my eyes on him- all the time! I love our Jiobit and am excited to share with you how amazing it is and how it gives me a lot less stress. It is like a mobile tracker- haha like find my friends! I love looking at my family on find my friends but I like keeping Beck safe even more.

Jiobit is perfect for all kids and can be great for those with special needs or even special needs adults. You can even use Jiobit for your animals to keep track of them- it would make finding a runaway dog a lot easier. You can give others such as caregivers and grandparents access to our Jiobit too. So it is very simple to use! I just clip it onto Beck’s pants, shoes etc and then I open the app and I am able to see where he is at all times. I also love that the battery life lasts so long- the last thing I need to worry about is having to charge something all the time. It can last up to one week on a charge so it is really impressive for a mobile tracker.

I love that I have live access to tracking Beck and knowing his whereabouts. Jiobit is very secure with Government-level encryption so you can feel safe with no worries that someone might be able to get access to your child’s location.

Jiobit can be used in 146 countries and has unlimited range. It can be used with Wifi, GPS, Cellular, and bluetooth! It is also durable and kid proof! It is water resistant which has been really nice!

Beck loves wearing it and it gives me such peace of mind. I am excited for when he is older to be able to keep track of him as he walks to a friends house, school etc. Since he is only 3 I try to be with him all the time but if I am not and Eric is I like to be able to keep a eye on them and know they are safe. I highly recommend Jiobit and cannot wait to take it to theme parks and especially once we have more kids and our hands are even more busy! It will be find my friends but find my kids!

*Thanks to Jiobit for sponsoring this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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