A Weekend at Dinosaur National Monument

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Sometimes you decide you just need a weekend getaway! I get that feeling too often haha. Dinosaur National Monument is only about 2 and a half hours from where we live & neither Eric or I has ever been so we decided why not?! We were going to go camp & take Dorothy our camper but we figured it would still be too cold.  I found a hotel deal in Vernal at a new hotel & hotels always makes it more fun too- swimming, TV & breakfast!

We left Saturday morning & found fun along the way- a diner, roadside attractions, photo opps & antique stores. We then headed to Dinosaur & it was so cool! They have a building with a big wall of bones that are still stick into the rock. They had real bones you could touch & really cool photos & facts about all the bones that have come from the area. We also hiked to some various petroglyphs, saw the Green River, explored an old cabin homestead & had a blast. After we went to Fantasy Canyon which is somewhere Eric had wanted to go for a long time- I will write a post about it but along the way we saw wild horses & antelope! We then went to dinner then hung out at the hotel & just enjoyed the break.

On Sunday we adventured some more & drove around to neighboring small towns. I was glad we didn’t camp since it ended up snowing on Sunday. If you are from Utah & have never been to Vernal add it to your summer bucketlist! It was the perfect weekend getaway & it was really fun to explore a totally new area! I think Dinosaur National Monument is super underrated!


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