beck william cherrington

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April 22, 2016, I want to be able to always remember this sweet & precious day. The day we were finally able to meet our baby boy.

On Thursday April 21st I went to the doctor’s for a non stress test. I has been getting them twice a week. My husband Eric was at work so luckily my mom could come with me. I had been told that if anything didn’t look normal at this appointment that I could be induced & if not it would be on Sunday night. I had been told I was going to be induced a few times so I was convinced that it wouldn’t happen until Sunday night & honestly I was a little grumpy about it.

At my appointment my non stress test didn’t quite look normal & my blood pressure was rather high. I was sent to the hospital to be monitored. I then had it made up in my mind that I was not going to leave the hospital without our baby. I had my bags all packed but I had a few things that I wanted to bring that I hadn’t put in my bag yet so I drove home before going to the hospital haha. I live so close to the hospital that I didn’t see the harm in it. Luckily my mom was there to rush me along haha. I can now say that I drove myself to the hospital to give birth! My mom thought she should drive so that I wouldn’t be able to say that!

At the hospital they monitored me for a few hours & then decided that they would induce me! I was so excited to get this party started! Eric works at the hospital so I told him I was there but not to get off yet because I didn’t know if I would be staying (this was the 3rd time I had been sent to the hospital for monitoring) Eric came to visit me during his lunch break & when he found out I was admitted he was able to get off & stay with me.

At around 2:30 pm they started me on cytotec to help me dilate. I was at a 1 and 80% effaced but I had been that way for 2 weeks already. it was pretty slow at first and I was just crampy but fine, wishing the TV had more channels! I pretty much just watched the game show network & it helped time go a little faster. my mom watched re runs of the price is right when she was in labor with me so it only seemed fitting! we got a little sick of deal or no deal!

By midnight I was dilated to a 5 & they broke my water. I then started to feel the contraindications & decided I was over it haha. I got an epidural & all was well! After that I was dilating really quickly for a first time mom & I really wasn’t feeling much. I get really sick to my stomach easily & super nauseous so I threw up a few times but I knew I would.

At about 6ish in the morning I had been at a 10 for an hour & the pushing began. I threw up so many times I lost track! My body felt so sick & queasy! Well I pushed for 3 long hours & not much was happening, it was starting to get a little exhausting & I was so anxious to meet our little man! I was given one dose of pitocin to help my contractions become closer together. It wasn’t long after that the doctor decided that we needed to either use the vacuum or forceps. I opted for the forceps & I am glad I did because he said the vacuum wouldn’t have ended up working & I would have had to get a c-section. After that Beck quickly came! I will never forget the moment he was laid on my chest. I had never seen anything more beautiful & I could not fathom that he was mine & I got to keep him! He was perfect! My nurses were awesome but there was no way I could have done it without Eric & my mom!

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He made his grand entrance at 9:21 am, weighing 8 lbs 5 oz & 20.5 inches long! I ended up delivering him at 38 weeks 4 days. It was a long day but immediately all the love I felt for him made a long sick pregnancy & birth all worth it. They always say the baby is worth it and the second I saw him I knew it was true!

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I can’t believe it has already been 4 weeks! We are so blessed to have our sweet Beck. Heaven is close with him around & I can’t believe how big he is already getting! When we brought him home & pulled into our driveway I couldn’t contain my happiness. I opened the car door & immediately heard baby birds chirping to look up and see that in our tree a mama bird had also brought new life into the world while we were gone. As I walked up our walkway I saw the flowers in our yard that bloom every spring, had bloomed while we were at the hospital. Everything was welcoming our Beck home and I was a proud mama. We love you Beck!

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I wish I would have got more pictures at the hospital & higher quality pictures but I was just soaking up every minute & that isn’t something I regret.


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